Best Office Espresso Machines

Best Office Espresso Machines: Reviewed, Rated & Compared

Choosing the best office coffee machine is not an easy task because you have to keep all the mind requirements. In this article, we will take you through the factors you should keep in mind while choosing only the best office espresso machine.

If there is one beverage that is as cosmopolitan as the drink Cosmopolitan itself is, that undoubtedly is Coffee. It is safe to say; the perfect morning doesn’t start without the whirring sound of the coffee machine and the aroma of a hot, steaming cup of coffee. And coffee is especially important when you work in an office, and has to do a lot of brainwork. This is why it is so essential to take care of your employees and allow them to energize whenever they need it – with a cup of steaming java. 

Truth be told, it’s hard to imagine an office space without a coffee machine. After all, coffee became part of our lives! So to make sure that your workers are happy and productive, it will be very useful to provide them with only the best office espresso machine.

What Type of Espresso Coffee Maker Is the Best for the Office?

There are many options available in the market to choose from, but what will suit your requirements the most? What type of coffee machine will be the best espresso machine for the office? Let’s take a look at some espresso coffee machine types, and identify what you need most:

Manual Coffee Machines

A manual coffee machine makes coffee by using the formula of creating pressure to force the water through the ground and stuffed coffee in the handle. The best part is the satisfaction of yielding your customized coffee. However, you have to grind the beans on your own as per your choice before you put that in the handle because manual coffee machines do not have an in-built grinder. But if you want to have your employees get their coffee as per their tastes – a manual coffee machine is the best choice for an office espresso maker.

Automatic Coffee Machines

The automatic coffee machine is the perfect choice for practical use. With these, you don’t have to worry about a thing. Grinding? Done. Brewing? Done. Pouring milk? Done. But the disadvantage of these coffee machines? They won’t serve your coffee as per your own taste. As the automatic coffee machine uses the same formula to pour every coffee cup, there is no place for customization. For an office running quite busy all the time, the automatic coffee machine is the best office espresso machine – as it is always ready to go at one touch of a button, saving you a lot of time.

Pod Coffee Machines

Pod machines are generally suitable for an office that has a small number of employees. Small in size, petite, and quite efficient – these machines are consistent in producing some tasty coffee cups. For a close-knit workspace, the pod type is a good espresso office machine. The only con they have – with over-the-top usage, they can wear down fast.

Filter Coffee Machines

Filter coffee machine is perfect for the ones who prefer no-frills black coffee over anything else. It is hassle-free and doesn’t cost much to make a steaming cuppa. Also, they are quite timesaving as they can produce more than one cup of coffee at one time. Filter coffee machines are quite inexpensive. For workplaces that run on a budget, these are THE office espresso makers. Some models even have a built-in grinder, and you can set a timer too.

Pump Coffee Machines 

The pump coffee machines are a perfect choice for the lovers of this java type! While it takes a bit of time in the process of making the cuppa, when it arrives – it’s perfect. 

Pump coffee machines have a steam arm to modify the beverage as per your taste. Like filter coffee machines, some pump coffee machine models also have a built-in grinder that lets you grind fresh beans before you make the coffee. But as this is a bit high maintenance, it is the best espresso machine for the office that runs on the commercial aspect. Pump coffee machines are looked at as affordable commercial office coffee machines.

Bean-to-Cup Machines

Want to give your employees the barista-style coffee experience at the office? Go for the top-rated coffee machine; there are Bean-to-Cup machines. From individual taste to little details that coffee-lovers might make a fuss about – it takes care of them all! From americano to cappuccino – this machine caters to everyone. Every time the coffee is made, the beans are ground as per the requirement. This coffee and espresso maker combo machine, although it is costly, is not difficult to maintain – as it gives an alert whenever it is time to descale.

Main Features to Consider

Og, but you must also consider some key factors. These will help determine which machine you should go for:

  • How many coffee-drinkers in the office?
  • How many drinks per person on average?
  • What is the primary beverage in the office?
  • How convenient is it to maintain the machine?

Style and Functions

Although the machine’s outer look doesn’t contribute to the taste of the coffee, it matters. The best office coffee machine doesn’t stand as the best if it doesn’t look presentable. Also, for convenience in the office, the machine should have a digital display and pre-programmed recipes – so that the user doesn’t have to sweat much to get a nice, rich cup of coffee.

Capacity and Coffee Quality

An office of a hundred cannot have a coffee machine that can serve ten. Excessive usage of the machines wears them down faster. Also, based on the nature of employees in the office – whether coffee-lovers or not, the best office espresso machine should cater to them with as many options as possible.

Other Features to Consider

There are some other features you should check for before you buy the office espresso machine, such as – the built-in grinder, the milk rother, the dip-tray that clears the counter of coffee spillage, etc. And based on your requirements, you can choose the appropriate model. So consider:

  • Coffee variety: Buy a machine that fulfills all the requirements – whether you want an espresso, or an americano, or a cappuccino, whether you want the coffee beans to be of bolder grind or milder grind. Also, keep in mind that not everyone is a religious coffee-drinker in one place. Buy an office espresso machine that can cater to people who like tea over coffee.
  • Maintenance and durability: When you are investing, make sure that you invest in the right product. Your commercial office coffee machines are not your daily purchases. For the best office coffee machine – the machinery should be durable, the service should be convenient, and the maintenance should be hassle-free.
  • Ease of  use: You don’t want your employees to spend their whole day at the coffee counter, trying to figure out how the machine works, right? So make sure that the office coffee machine is easy to operate: with a digital display and one-touch options.

Top Brands for Office Coffee Machines

While creating these office espresso machine reviews, we also found some of the best office coffee machines brands. All of them are praised for high quality and many great features:

  • Mr. Coffee Cafe Barista, having this coffee machine at your workplace, there won’t be any more coffee runs or errands to fulfill. This semi-automatic espresso maker is 3in1 and can make you an espresso, latte, and cappuccino.
  • Hamilton Beach 2-Way Brewer serves as one of the most versatile office coffee machines out there. Serve 12 cups at a go while having dual functionality is a win-win for this machine.
  • Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Coffee Maker is the most budget-friendly office espresso machine you can opt for, It provides great quality for a reasonable and affordable price. 

How and How Often to Clean the Office Espresso Machine?

Regular usage of a coffee machine calls for cleaning and descaling at least once a month. And the cleaning process is not difficult, either:

  • Put a blind filter into the machine’s portafilter and run the hot water as you do while making espresso. 
  • After 5-10 seconds, fill the portafilter with some cleaning agent, and for the next step – run it again with fresh water, so the leftover of the cleaning agent washes off. 
  • Clean the portafilter with hot water.
  • Clean the showerhead and steaming wand. 

And that’s it – your coffee machine is as good as new!

Final Word

Your espresso machine for the office should be well-equipped to satiate your employee’s caffeine requirements and cater to their taste-buds. As much as it should be easy to operate, a good office coffee machine should come with a fair range of options to choose from. So just take your pick from the list of best office espresso machine 2023, choose as per your necessity, and you’re good to go!

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