Best Colombian Coffee in 2020

Finding The Best Colombian Coffee in 2023

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Columbia? Of course, that is a rich history, gorgeous landscapes and so much more. But in terms of economics and export, the first thing you think of is probably coffee. Columbia is the 3rd largest coffee producer, making some of the best Arabic beans. Exported to every part of the world, Colombia’s coffee is beloved by people from all around the world. 

So every coffee lover should definitely try the real Columbian coffee; and it seems rather easy, right? With Columbia being in the top 3 of the worldwide coffee producers, you wouldn’t have any problem finding its coffee. Yes, you can find the Columbian coffee, but finding the best one is a whole other story. Not every brand you find is a good one. If you desire the authentic, best experience, then you need to find only an authentic, best Colombian coffee. 

And that is the main focus of today’s article! We’ll talk about why Colombian coffee is so delicious, what are the main types of Colombian coffee, and their regional variations. We’ll also talk about the best Colombian coffee brands, and so much more!

Top 7 Colombian Coffees: Comparison Chart

Brand Type Roast Flavor Notes Caffeine Content Volume
Café Don Pablo Whole bean Medium-dark Citrus, chocolate, walnut Caffeinated 2 lb
AmazonFresh Ground Medium Light citrus Caffeinated 12 oz
Kirkland Signature Ground Dark Cocoa, orange blossom Caffeinated 6 lb
Volcanica Coffee Ground Medium Floral Decaffeinated 1 lb
Juan Valdez Ground Medium Fresh notes Caffeinated 10 oz
Koffee Kult Whole bean Medium Cinnamon, chocolate Caffeinated 2 lb
Jo Coffee Ground Medium Caramel, cane sugar, toasted almond Caffeinated 12 oz

What Makes Colombian Coffee so Famous All Over the World?

Colombian Coffee so Famous All Over the World

The reason why Columbia is so successful at producing coffee stems from geographics. The proximity to the equator, the mild climate, regular rainfall, and the hills and mountains present allow the Arabica plant to be cultivated up to 2300 meters above sea level. The lower high-altitude temperatures make the coffee mature more slowly, which thus acquires a slightly more acidic taste with enveloping notes of honey.

Furthermore, the beans are harvested by hand, to select only the fruits that have reached the right degree of ripeness. Their slight acidity and the classic flavors of the typical taste of Colombian Arabica coffee distinguishes the coffee that comes from Colombia. It is the coffee with bright flavors and a strong aftertaste.

Buyer’s Guide

Things to Know About the Best Colombian Coffee

There are 4 levels of the roasting process of Colombian coffee:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • Medium-high
  • High

The best roasts are medium and medium-high. The degree depends on the amount of moisture left in the bean. If an unroasted bean has a humidity percentage of 12%, the roasting reduces it to 1 and 2 in case of roasting high, from 8 to 3 in medium roasts, and so on.

Regional Variations of Colombian Coffee

  • Cauca: Originating from the volcanic region of Cauca, this type is one of the best Columbian coffee variations. With its rich taste of medium to high acidity, you can be sure that this coffee will give you an unforgettable experience! Cauca makes up about 8% of all the Brazilian coffee.
  • Santander: Located in the north of the country, it produces 9% of Colombian coffee mainly grown in the shade and at low altitudes. The coffees of this region are very soft and with low acidity.
  • Narino: The region located further south of Colombia is famous for its creamy coffees with fruity hints.
  • Tolima: Known for its sweet coffees and light floral notes, it produces about 12% of Colombia’s coffee.
  • Hulia: Fruity coffee is from the mountain region of Huila. It presents a marked acidity, a full-body, and a very complex aromatic profile.
  • Antioquia: This is the region where coffee was first grown in Colombia, it is the headquarters of the FNC (Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros) and Cenicafè, where specialists and researchers produce seeds for plantations in the region and research botanical varieties.

Main Types of the Best Organic Colombian Coffee in 2023

Three of Colombia’s best coffees have been named after the regions in which they are grown: Medellin, Armenia, and Manizales. They can all be found in the main central growing area and frequently marketed together under the acronym MAM. These coffees have higher acidity than those grown in the Eastern Region.

Castillo is very famous, but also controversial, as it is bred to be resistant to the perils of coffee rust. It shares a genetic heritage with robusta beans, which is why it is often not worthy of its fame. Castillo is smoothness, aroma, and citric acidity.

Caturra is one of Colombia’s finest coffee. Even though they are originally Brazilian, they are now popular in Colombia. Caturras are particularly acid, and they are particularly subjected to coffee rust.

Tinto is widely available on the streets of Colombia, and even though it is not renowned for its high quality, you’ll have a cup of Tinto to experience their coffee.

Supremo vs. Excelso: Which One Should You Choose?

The Supremo variety is renowned all over the world. It has a rich and full-bodied flavor, with hazelnut and chocolate tones. The “supreme” bean is considered the most refined of the Colombian coffee beans. This is probably the best Colombian coffee, thanks to its particularly sweet taste. It is easily digestible, thanks to its delicate flavor, its medium acidity, and light hazelnut flavor.

Excelso is known for its characteristic aroma which recalls licorice, caramel, and chocolate in its smell and taste. It contains lower amounts of caffeine, which allows you to drink more Excelso during the day than you would with other traditional Colombian coffee blends.

Main Colombian Coffee Brands

  • Volcanica Coffee carries and distributes over 130 gourmet Colombian coffee beans from volcanic regions around the world.
  • Café Don Pablo’s secret to their coffee is a small batch roasting process that “is half art and half science.” They craft a rich, mild, and smooth bean that complements the caramelization of the natural sugars in the bean.
  • The Juan Valdez brand’s beans embody the quality, values, and traditions of Colombia.
  • Out of the Grey harvest small-batch organic Excelso beans, which are slightly smaller than Supremo coffee beans, but much more popular.
  • Koffee Kults’ Colombian Huila beans are rich, smooth, organically sourced, and make a full-bodied coffee that is famous all over the world.
  • Colombia Jo’s beans are sourced directly from the top 2% of all Certified Organic Arabic raw coffee worldwide.

Instant Colombian Coffee Brands

However, if none of these Colombian coffee brands appeal to you, we might suggest you try one of the many instant Colombian coffees. Here are the most common brands:

  • Waka: Arabica beans with chocolate and earthy taste.
  • Starbucks: One of the best Colombian coffee made of arabica beans. It has a signature walnut flavor.
  • Alpine Start: Created from the arabica beans, this Columbian coffee has a cherry and echolocates taste.
  • Jiva: has a wonderful, smooth flavor of citrus.

How to Make Colombian Coffee: Recommended Methods

You can make Colombian coffee in many different ways and methods. However, two of the most recommended ones are:

  • Espresso, for which you will require a medium-dark roast.
  • Aeropress, very often recommended for Colombian coffee beans.

However, feel free to try any method and find the one you prefer!

Final Words

Coffee is the foundation of Colombia’s economy. It has been an integral part of this country for several centuries: became part of its culture, folklore, and history.

In addition to some of the best Columbian coffee available right now, Columbians also aim to produce new varieties. So in years to come, we are certainly gonna get even better, more delicious java! But until then, you can easily pick among the dozen of the best Colombian coffees of 2023, and experience such an unforgettable and heavingly Latin experience!

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